Description:“Ombudsmen” are advocates for those living in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and family type homes. There are over 53,000 seniors and people with disabilities who are residents in these facilities. This program is run under the Older Americans Act and is funded by the federal government and New York State.
CIDNY's Ombudsmen work with residents to make sure their rights are protected, their needs are met, and any complaints they have are resolved. We keep all information for those we serve confidential. We work for changes in the Long Term Care system to improve the quality of life and services for people who seniors and those who are disabled and are in Long Term Care.
Our Manhattan office serves people in The Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island.
The Queens office serves Brooklyn and Queens, including Far Rockaway.
The Ombudsman program uses volunteers as advocates. Our volunteers go through a 36-hour training program and are then certified by the state. Once they are certified, volunteers are assigned to a facility to work with the residents. Currently, we have over 90 volunteers.