Description:The Department of Social Services provides a wide variety of human services and financial assistance to assist families and individuals to achieve self-sufficiency and strengthen family life including: Temporary Assistance: ( Public Assistance, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Emergency Assistance, HEAP and burials), Child & Family Services: ( of Child Protection, Adult Protection, Foster Care, Preventive Services, Adoption, and Domestic Violence), Domestic Violence: ( safety planning, basic counseling, case management, hospital accompaniment, DV awareness/education, access to Spanish translation, temporary assistance waivers/housing assistance, transportation, and referrals for immigrant/immigration services, safe dwelling/shelter, legal assistance and other relevant supportive services), Child Support and Enforcement Unit: (Assists custodial parent in proving paternity, filing support petitions in Family Court, and collecting Court Ordered Support obligations).
[Business]: , 14016 Route 31W, , , , Albion, NY, 14411