Description:Finger Lakes DDSO is a community-based residential and habilitative service provider for individuals with developmental disabilities including autism, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. Service Coordination,Residential: Individual residential alternatives, family care, intermediate care facilities (including Monroe Developmental Center), supportive apartments,Day Services: day habilitation, day training, day treatment, employment preparation, Special programs for those meeting eligibility requirements: HCBS waiver services including case management, residential and day habilitation, respite, environmental modifications/adaptive technologies, Care at Home Waiver: Specialized services for children under 18 living at home. programsArticle 16 clinics, Regional and local intensive treatment
Provider:Finger Lakes Developmental Disabilities Service Office
Provider Address:620 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY, 14620
Areas Served:Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates
Transport Available:No
Eligiblity:Must be diagnosed as developmentally disabled, constituting a life-long mental or physical impairment that becomes apparent prior to the age of 22.
Last Update:10/12/2023 2:49 PM
Target Population:Developmental Disabilities