Description:Chances & Changes, Inc. provides confidential assistance to victims of domestic violence in Livingston County, New York, including emergency safety services such as shelter and a 24-hour hotline.
Their staff has accurate information about domestic violence and is experienced in providing assistance. They understand the criminal justice, family court, and social services systems, and are familiar with other community resources that might be useful to you.
Available Services:
24-Hour Hotline Services
24-Hour Safe Housing
Rape Crisis Service - 24-Hour Hotline 1-800-527-1757
Support and Assistance in Decision Making
Advocacy and Referrals: Legal, Medical, Housing, Counseling, and Social Services
Information and Education: Spouse Abuse, Child Abuse, Family Violence, Self-Esteem, and Parenting
Peer Support Groups
Individual Counseling
Follow-Up: Support Services Upon Exiting the Shelter
Food, Clothing, and Personal Care Needs